Sophia Chen

Senior Economist

International Monetary Fund

Research areas

Banking, corporate finance, macro-financial linkages


IMF Researcher Page


Harnessing Satellite Data to Improve Social Assistance Targeting in the Eastern Caribbean”, with Ryu Matsuura, Flavien Moreau, Joana Pereira, IMF Working Paper, 2024.

The Dynamic Effects of Local Labor Market Shocks on Small Firms in The United States, with Philip Barrett, Li Lin, Anke Weber, IMF Working Paper, 2024.

The Spread of Deposit Insurance and the Global Rise in Bank Asset Risk since the 1970s won the 2022 Journal of Financial Intermediation Best Paper Award.

Pricing Protest: The Response of Financial Markets to Social Unrest, forthcoming, Review of Finance.

Macroprudential Policy Effects: Evidence and Open Questions, with Nina Biljanovska, R. Gaston Gelos, Deniz O Igan, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Erlend Nier, Fabian Valencia, IMF Departmental Paper, 2023/002.

Differential Effects of Macroprudential Policies, with Nina Biljanovska, IMF Working Paper, 2023.

Small and Vulnerable: Small Firm Productivity in the Great Productivity Slowdown, with Do Lee, Journal of Financial Economics, 2023.